In 2022 MultiRio and MultiCar completed 15 years of trash recycling. With the help of all employees, recyclable waste represented significant reductions in the environmental impacts of our activities.
251 tons of paper were recycled, which avoided the cutting down of an estimated 5,526 trees and the consumption of 24.618 million liters of water.
184 tons of plastic were recycled, which avoided the indirect emission of 248 tons of CO2.
2,192 tons of metals were also recycled, which avoided the estimated extraction of 2,498 tons of minerals and the indirect emission of 3,287 tons of CO2.
Recycling is more than giving your waste a new destination, it is saving water, energy, natural resources, reducing CO 2 emissions and contributing to the environment. Recycling is doing our part for a more sustainable world - to protect life, both ours and that of future generations that will live on our planet.